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Grist mill wanted
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Hi Jeff,

We do have a mill for sale. Built as a water driven flour mill originally in 1852. In good shape, still has most of equipment. Been in family for over 150 years. I will email a picture for you. Located in north central PA, little town of Canton.

Phil Rockwell

We don’t have a mill for sale-just wanted to applaud your preservation efforts!

Does anyone know the whereabouts of an old grist mill that would be available for dismantling, relocation and restoration. We have a life long interest in old machinery and buildings and this would be a dream come true, especially if the mill machinery was all or partially intact. We know that ideally, a mill should be restored in place, but location, condition and circumstances do not always allow this, so next best is what we are proposing, to save a mill from collapse or demolition. If complete, we would look at restoring as is, if not, then probably a partial conversion to a house and workshop would be a better option but we are open to changing plans, depending on what, if anything is available. This is a long shot I know but any leads or information appreciated!

You can email me direct at


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